Dance, Draw & Silence
Weekend Retreat 25 -27 juni
An exclusive Weekend Retreat for MeTime, Self Discovery and Expression
A weekend in which I will take you on a journey of deep connection with yourself through the body, dance expression and silence. I will guide you and the other women to get closer connected to yourself and your own personal truth.
* What can arise in this space of creativity and stillness?
* Which themes do you want to clarify and transform?
* What new insights may you receive now and take into the future?
Let's discover new possibilities in...
Connecting, empowering, transforming, playing and free!!
You will go home with new experiences, insights and a Life Size Drawing full of new insights and a clear focus to manifest your deepest desires.
You will receive your portrait in A4 or A5 at home
The program
The program will consist of a cocoa heart ceremony, authentic movement, dance & draw in depth coaching sessions, moments of silence and nature walks.
The retreat includes an overnight stay and every day you will be spoiled by the delicious healthy vegetarian meals from Marina Lourens.
This retreat is for a very exclusive group of 6 women who need quality Me- time and space for themselves.

Practical information
Friday 25 to Sunday 27 June
Start program:
Friday afternoon walk-in 5 pm - opening & dinner
Closing of the program:
Sunday afternoon 5 pm
De Sigarenfabriek, Valkenswaard
The retreat will take place in De Sigarenfabriek in Valkenswaard. In this beautiful place there is a large dance room, a spacious dining and living room, a garden and a park within walking distance.
There are several rooms; 1, 2 and very spacious
3 person rooms.
Your investment
Regular 625 euros
Super early bird 565 euros (before May 10)
Geplande evenementen
- LidmaatschapsaanbiedingHet tijdstip wordt later bepaaldJanneke Bexkens
Janneke Bexkens
Dans is de spiegel van je innerlijke wereld, je ziel.
Het lichaam spreekt en wil gezien worden in verbinding, passie en vrijheid. Jouw natuurlijke, spontane beweging zorgt voor een toegang tot je onderbewustzijn en je vitaliteit.
Mijn behoefte aan veen diepe verbinding met mijzelf en authentiek expressie te geven aan dat wat er in mij leeft, dat gun ik jou ook!
Als lichaamsgericht coach, maker en therapeut vind ik het heerlijk om andere jou via expressie en creativiteit te begeleiden in de weg naar je lichaam en gevoelsleven.